
March Super Chill Flow & Yoga Nidra

Thu, 14 Mar
from 7:30pm to 9:00pm

by Mandy Galmes
Posted: 3 months ago
Updated: 3 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 1 day before
Ends: 09:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Yoga at Clovelly’s Super Chill Flow and Yoga Nidra Series is back for March at a later time – 7.30-9pm

Join Mandy for a delicious 90-minute slow flow and Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep, designed to guide you into a state of higher consciousness between waking and sleeping.

Sinking deeper into stillness
It is only from the midst of calmness that we are able to see our life clearly, just like the reflections mirrored upon the surface of a completely still lake. It is in this state of calmness, disconnected from the distractions of the swirling mind, that we are able to gain a clear perspective, and make choices for ourselves that lead to positive action.

This March our Super Chill Flow and Yoga Nidra practice, will invite you to find a place of physical and mental stillness, guiding you to descend into a deep state of calm so you can allowing you to find greater clarity of mind.

This class is suitable for everybody. No prior yoga experience necessary.

Class numbers are limited so be sure to book your spot early. Class will be held inside in the Tom Caddy Room, upstairs at the Surf Club,

A limited number of bolsters will be provided. It is recommended that you bring your own bolster if you have one and extra layers or a blanket to allow you to remain snug and warm, and drop into a deep state of relaxation during Yoga Nidra.

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